Somnolence and Stuttering as the Primary Manifestations of a Midbrain Stroke

How to Cite

Ioannis Karaki, Aviva Ellenstein, Gemma R Roselló, & José R Romero. (2023). Somnolence and Stuttering as the Primary Manifestations of a Midbrain Stroke. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, 1(3). Retrieved from


Background: Stroke can occasionally manifest with non-lateralizing findings such as somnolence and stuttering. We describe a case and
discuss the anatomical and physiological implications of this rare combination of symptoms.
Case report: A 51-year-old woman presented with 3 days of “feeling drunk”. She could further specify her symptoms as blurry vision,
slurred speech, and gait instability. She had a history of hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Her examination at presentation was remarkable only for marked somnolence. Over the next several hours she developed mild upgaze limitation and vertical nystagmus. Nonenhanced computed tomography of the brain was normal. Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a 5 mm acute infarct in
the caudal midbrain. The first week the patient remained somnolent and manifested marked stuttering. The patient improved gradually with speech therapy.
Conclusion: Strokes affecting the diencephalic-mesencephalic junction can manifest with stuttering. Defective projections of the reticular formation to the supplementary motor area, damaged extrapyramidal circuits, and/or aberrant propioceptive feedback due to
involvement of the mesencephalic nucleus of the trigeminal nerve are the proposed pathophysiological mechanisms. Somnolence can
also be part of the presentation and is likely due to disruptions of sleep pathways subserved by the reticular activating system. The
accurate diagnosis of these cases depends on careful clinical assessment and high index of suspicion for stroke, especially in lieu of preexisting vascular risk factors and lack of an alternative explanation such as toxic-metabolic encephalopathy.

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