Patient Preference for Transradial Access over Transfemoral Access for Cerebrovascular Procedures

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Sudhakar R. Satt, Ansar Z. Vance, Sohil N. Golwala, & Tim Eden. (2023). Patient Preference for Transradial Access over Transfemoral Access for Cerebrovascular Procedures. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology, 9(4). Retrieved from


Purpose—Shared decision-making, when physicians and patients collaborate and agree on health care
decisions, is a key tenant of patient-centered care. Choice of access site for neurovascular procedures is
rarely a shared decision point between physicians and patients. We present our initial evaluation of patient
preference for radial over femoral access for cerebrovascular procedures.
Materials and Methods—IRB approved single-center, prospective, and consecutive survey of all
patients undergoing transradial access for cerebrovascular imaging and intervention. Primary inclusion criteria were patients who had previously undergone a transfemoral access procedure and chose to have their
second procedure via a transradial approach. All patients underwent pre-procedural neurologic and extremity exams (including Barbeau tests for radial access suitability prior to radial access), post-procedural neurological evaluation and radial access assessment post-procedure, and complete neurological and radial
access-site evaluation in the neurointerventional outpatient clinic 1–2 week post-procedure.
Results—Twenty five consecutive patients who underwent radial access cerebrovascular procedures after
previous femoral access cerebrovascular procedures (16 diagnostic angiograms and 9 interventional procedures) were included. No major complications (including hematomas, infection, or delayed radial artery
occlusion) were encountered during the immediate post-procedurral period or on outpatient follow-up
(average 8 days). On immediate post-procedural examination, 16% had mild bruising and 24% had mild
pain at the radial access site. Of the 25 patients included in this study, 24 strongly preferred radial access
over femoral access and reported that, if they needed another procedure, they would prefer radial access.
Conclusion—There was nearly unanimous patient preference for radial over femoral access for cerebrovascular procedures in this single-center prospective analysis. There were no major complications and no
incidences of delayed radial occlusion. In the current age of value-based and patient-centered medicine, the
radial approach should be considered for nearly all neurovascular procedures
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Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Vascular and Interventional Neurology


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